The privacy statement


    1. About the website

The website is owned and operated by Fundacja Alma Musica, ul. Okrzei 83, 55-080 Kąty Wrocławskie, Poland

You can contact us via


Fundacja Alma Musica is responsible for the collection and use of personal data in connection with the operation and maintenance of the website.
Information that is collected is stored on separate servers operated by our data processor. Only Fundacja Alma Musica and subcontractors have access to the information that is collected.

Our data processors

A separate data processor agreement between Fundacja Alma Musica and the data processor regulates which information they have access to and how it is to be processed. You can read the data processing agreement here:

 What information is collected

The information we process is both personally identifiable and non-personally identifiable information about you. Personally identifiable information can identify you as an individual. Non-personally identifiable information is information and other information that does not reveal your personal identity.

About cookies. 

Cookies are a standard technology that almost all websites use today. Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer when you download a website and should in most cases give you a better user experience. 

Most newer browsers, such as Opera, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari etc., are set to accept cookies automatically. If you do not wish to accept cookies, you must therefore choose to change the settings in your browser so that cookies are not accepted. 

Reject or delete cookies 

If you do not want information about you to be collected, you can turn off the permission for this in your browser. Read how to turn off cookies at Google.
Note that this setting may cause many websites to not function optimally. NB! By using, you consent to the use of cookies in your browser.   

This is a list of the types of cookies used on the website, and how the information is processed: 

Session cookies (temporary cookies) 

These cookies are used to store information temporarily throughout one session. Websites have no memory. Temporary cookies make it possible to monitor how users navigate around the website, so that they are not asked to provide the same information several times, e.g. at login. 

Temporary cookies are deleted when you close your browser. 

Persistent cookiesPermanent cookies are not deleted after the end of the browsing session and allow the website to recognize your computer. Fixed cookies can typically contain information about authentication, language settings and menu preferences. These cookies can be deleted manually in the browser under the privacy settings. 

Preference cookies 

These cookies store information such as language, browser or font size. The settings are saved permanently so that the user does not have to set these settings again on the next visit. 

    1. Use and exchange of personal data does not use, give out or exchange personal information about visitors to the website in any way other than what is described above. Your information will not, under any circumstances, be disclosed to other organisations, persons or businesses. 

Pictures we use on the website are usually illustrative pictures. If other images are used where people are depicted, consent will be obtained first. 

Your visit of the website is voluntary. 

The company’s online services. 

The company uses e-mail and telephone as part of its daily work, and it may happen that the company uses e-mail or telephone for parts of the proceedings. Important information that appears by e-mail is further stored in our systems. Normal e-mail is unencrypted, and we therefore encourage everyone not to send confidential, sensitive or other confidential information to us by e-mail. Telephone calls (number from and to, as well as the time of the call) are only logged on the mobile above the last call. 

    1. How long do we store data?

If you have a customer relationship with us, we store your personal data for as long as the customer relationship lasts. After termination of the customer relationship, we delete information that is not important for accounting documentation no later than 6 months after termination. This includes all data you have given us. You can also request that we delete all personal data we have about you. This does not include information that we are required to store for administrative, legal or security reasons. 

    1. Your right to access, correction and deletion

You have the right to access the information we have stored about you, what it is used for, who has access to it, how long it is stored and where the data is obtained from. You have the right to request changes to your information. 

You also have the right to demand the deletion of personal data you consider to be unnecessary. You also have the right to withdraw your consent if a consent was the starting point for our storing the data. 

Feel free to contact us for access, correction or deletion, or if there are any other questions. 

    1. Changes to the declaration reserves the right to change or update the Privacy Policy. All changes are effective from the time they are published, and will include information collected from that date as well as existing information held by the company.


This website uses cookies. By continuing to use this site, you accept our use of cookies.  Learn more